PWA to improve business

If you like to stay updated with the latest and exciting bits of technology hitting the web design and app development industry, you must have heard the “PWA” word somewhere.

The Progressive Web App, a.k.a. PWA, is a term first coined by Google in 2015. Let’s analyze it by breaking it into two parts. The “web app” (or web application) simply stands for an app running as a website, let’s say, Twitter, while the “progressive” part indicates that the user experience is improved gradually depending on the browser’s capabilities.

Make no mistake, PWA is a website that looks and behaves like an app. It is a hybrid of the best bits of regular web pages (or websites) and native mobile apps. Built with web technologies, it can be implemented on mobile as well as a desktop platform, without the need to download or install. And it is independent of your network speed. That’s pretty cool!

Many companies are incorporating PWAs in their roadmap to modernize their website and adapt to growing user expectations. The advantages of PWA technology are numerous and range from significantly faster loading times and native app-like experiences to no downloads and lower data usage.

A Quick Summary Of The Advantages Of PWA:

Fast: Fast loading, responsive, and works offline

Installable: Installable on your home screen; looks and behaves like a native app

Reliable: Smooth animations, smooth scrolling, and flawless navigation even on a flaky internet connection

Engaging: Push notifications on the web effectively re-engage users and increase conversion rates

Other PWA advantages include HTTPS safety, smaller size, lower development cost, and less development time than native applications.

Some of the major players in the global digital economy have launched Progressive Web Apps and enjoyed impressive results. If that doesn’t excite you, here’s a glimpse of how some of the bigger brands made use of progressive web apps to increase user engagement, conversion rates, and mobile revenue at low cost.

How Big Brands Are Leveraging PWAs for Business Growth?

The use of PWAs has allowed companies to render a higher-level user experience and keep them hooked. Let’s take a look at some of the many big brands that leveraged PWAs to improve their business and user engagement.


Twitter, a platform for social news sharing, took advantage of PWA technology to build its Twitter Lite version. This new app became the default mobile web experience for all users in April 2017. It loads quickly on slower connections like 2G and 3G networks and minimizes data usage.

Twitter saw a 65% increase in pages per session, a 75% growth in the number of Tweets, and a 20% decline in bounce rate. All this while reducing the app size by more than 97%.


Flipkart, an India-based e-commerce website, found it challenging to uphold a quick and engaging user experience as that of their mobile app when they once adopted an app-only strategy in 2015 and temporarily shut down its mobile website. So then they decided to combine their web presence and native app into a PWA by building Flipkart Lite. This new app generated a 70% higher conversion rate and 40% higher re-engagement rate. Users spent 3X more time on Flipkart Lite PWA vs native app.


Starbucks launched their PWA (in 2017) to allow its customers to check the menu and place orders and more even when there is poor or no network connectivity. With Starbucks’ PWA version in place, the business saw a noticeable increase in interaction metrics and rendered a fast, responsive performance.

Financial Times

One of the big hitters of the news industry, the Financial Times build their PWA version to provide users a better experience. They allowed customers to read articles offline and on the go.

It’s Not Just Them

These PWA examples definitely serve as motivation for aspiring SMEs and start-ups. Many popular brands (like Uber, Pinterest, Alibaba, Medium, Trivago, Forbes, and more) switched to the PWA version and found unprecedented success. While we don’t approve that the use of progressive web apps will kill native apps in the future, it is still getting attention from big businesses for all the right reasons.

Think your business too could benefit from the use of Progressive Web App technology, then we’d love to help. Get in touch with Virtual Employee today to outsource mobile app development services to India and leverage the power of a fast, engaging, and secure PWA for your business website.


Progressive Web Apps have gained unparalleled momentum in the online marketplace and have the potential to create a shift in the way the web works. Many popular brands adopted PWAs and saw unprecedented success. With so many benefits, they can offer users an incredible user experience and brands with higher engagement.

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