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AI-Driven Marketing Automation and an Emphasis on Earned Media are Among Top Public Relations Trends in 2023

As the field of digital marketing and PR continues to evolve, brands are finding new ways to reach their audiences and tell stories that matter.  The beginning of a new year is always a great time to explore the trends that will impact how marketers and communicators approach their work in the years ahead.

Consider these emerging trends: 

AI-Driven Marketing Automation for the Win

AI-driven marketing automation uses machine learning to automate tasks and improve results. It can be used to create personalized content, identify leads, predict customer behavior, and increase engagement rates. 

For example: If someone visits your website but doesn’t purchase anything, AI-driven marketing automation will send them an email with a discount coupon or even offer free shipping on their next purchase if they sign up for your email list. This helps build trust with the customer while encouraging them to return again in the future.

 If marketing automation is not already part of your marketing mix, it should be on the agenda for this year. 

Video Content Will Reign, King,

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so do the ways we can reach our audiences. Video content has become an essential part of any marketing campaign and will continue to be more important in 2023. 

“Short video content is now critical to any marketing campaign and will become more important in 2023. Short video content gets much higher engagement than other social media content,” says Joan Siopes, Marketing Director of Herrman and Herrman PLLC.

Earned Media Will Continue to Grow in Importance…and Competition

Earned media offers credibility to brands, and provides them with a level of public trust that can’t be found with most other forms of marketing or advertising. 

The downside is that earned media is competitive and it can be hard to catch a reporter’s attention with so many other brands vying for the same thing. 

Blair Nicole, CEO and Founder of Media Moguls PR, a Whitelabel PR firm for agencies and brands, explains, “Smart brands will focus on building relationships with key editors and media contacts, who can help spread your story in more impactful ways than you could ever hope for through paid advertising alone.”

Intelligent Content Creation Is a Smart Decision

Intelligent content creation is the process of creating content that is relevant to a specific audience. This practice can be used in conjunction with other digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing.

It’s important to note that intelligent content creation doesn’t mean simply writing blog posts or articles without any thought at all; it’s more about making sure your content has value for the reader and aligns with their needs and wants. To do this effectively, you’ll need to know who your target audience is–and then tailor everything from headlines down through images and text accordingly.

Brands that can do this in 2023 will find themselves with more traffic, more engagement, and an overall better customer experience. 

Chatbot Integration Makes Everything Easier

Chatbots have grown from novelty to necessity because consumers expect brands to provide a seamless experience across multiple channels including email, social media, and search engines like Google or Bing. 

Chatbot integration with live chat support platforms gives businesses an opportunity to enhance their reputation by providing exceptional service while also saving money on staffing costs.

Consumers are increasingly becoming accustomed to getting their problems solved in real-time. Chatbots are just one way to make that happen. 

Real-Time Personalization + Leaning Into Micro-Moments

Real-time personalization happens when you’re able to serve up relevant, targeted messaging based on what a customer is doing right now–such as watching a video or reading an article. These are also known as micro-moments. 

They allow brands to create a better experience for their customers by speaking directly with them at the moment, which makes them more likely to convert into sales (or at least keep coming back).

Customer Experience and Social Media Monitoring are a Dynamic Duo

Customer experience management (CEM) tools are used to monitor social media for customer complaints and feedback. These tools can also be used to identify trends, predict future behavior, and find new customers. The best CEM software is that which is easy to use so that you can get the most out of your data without wasting time trying to figure it out.

For example, you can use a CEM tool to monitor social media for complaints about your company or products. Then, when there’s a problem with an order or a product is defective, you can respond quickly with a solution. You may also find that many customers have the same complaint and this will help you identify areas where system improvements need to be made.

When you consider the benefits of monitoring tools, it’s hard to find a reason not to use them in 2023. 

Technology, Trust, and Personalization Lead the Way in 2023

The emerging PR and digital marketing trends in 2023 represent a shift from traditional marketing models to those that are more inclusive of technology and data-driven decisions. The rise in competition means that brands must adapt their strategies accordingly or risk getting left behind.

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