Home Business Research How to Collect a Debt From International Clients?

How to Collect a Debt From International Clients?

Collecting debt for entrepreneurs from international clients can be more difficult than collecting from domestic clients because of differences in legal systems and cultural norms. Before we proceed further we need to learn;

What is international debt collection?

International debt collection refers to the process of recovering funds owed by individuals or businesses located in a foreign country. This can include collecting unpaid invoices, loans, or other financial obligations.

Collecting debt internationally can be more complex and challenging than collecting debt domestically due to differences in legal systems, cultural norms, and language barriers. Additionally, there may be additional compliance requirements such as laws, regulations, and international commercial terms (INCOTERMS) that need to be considered.

International debt collection typically involves using a third-party agency or attorney who has the experience and knowledge of the legal system in the foreign country, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with the debtor.

International debt collection can be a time-consuming and costly process, but it is often necessary for businesses that conduct international trade to ensure they are paid for the goods and services they provide.

What are Some Important International Debt Collection Laws?

International debt collection laws refer to the legal frameworks and regulations that govern the process of collecting debts from individuals or businesses located in a foreign country. These laws can vary widely from country to country, and it’s essential to have a good understanding of them when attempting to collect a debt internationally.

There are several international treaties and conventions that provide some guidance on international debt collection laws.

Some examples include:

  • The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, also known as the Hague Convention, provides for the recognition and enforcement of judgments between contracting states.
  • The United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade governs the transfer of rights to payment from one party to another.
  • The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration provides a framework for the resolution of disputes through arbitration.
  • The International chamber of commerce (ICC) provides rules for international commercial disputes.

It’s also important to note that in some countries, debt collection is done differently than in others. In some countries, for example, debt collection is done through the court system, while in others, it is done through private agencies. In another example, many individuals in the United Kingdom face the decision of whether to use debt collection or small claims court procedures. Both options can be effective in recovering the debt, but debt collection is often considered the more cost-efficient choice.

In any case, it is advisable to seek the advice of a local attorney or a specialized international debt collection agency with experience in the specific country where the debtors are located to avoid any legal complications.

How Does International Debt Collection Work?

International debt collection works by attempting to recover funds owed by individuals or businesses located in a foreign country. The process can vary depending on the country where the debtor is located and the specific circumstances of the debt. Generally, the process can involve the following steps:

Research the legal system of the country where the debtor is located: Understand the laws and procedures for collecting debts in that country. Consider hiring a local attorney to assist you.

Send written correspondence: Send invoices and reminders to the debtor to document your efforts to collect the debt. Use clear and professional language and avoid any confrontation or threat.

Follow up persistently: Continuously follow up with the debtor, but avoid being confrontational or aggressive.

Use a debt collection agency with international experience: Consider using a debt collection agency that has experience in the country where the debtor is located. They may have more success in collecting the debt and can assist you in navigating the legal system.

Consider legal action: If all other efforts fail, consider taking legal action in the country where the debtor is located. However, be aware that this can be expensive and time-consuming.

Negotiate payment terms: Be prepared to negotiate payment terms with the debtor if necessary.

Keep records: Keep detailed records of all correspondence, payments, and efforts made to collect the debt.

Comply with international laws and regulations: Ensure that all actions are taken to collect the debt comply with international laws and regulations, such as international commercial terms (INCOTERMS) and the international chamber of commerce rules (ICC) to avoid any legal complications.

It’s important to note that international debt collection can be a complex and time-consuming process. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of the legal system and cultural norms of the country where the debtor is located and to work with local experts to increase the chances of success.

There are several steps you can take to increase your chances of success:

Understand the legal system of the country where your client is located. Research the laws and procedures for collecting debts in that country, and consider hiring a local attorney to assist you.

Communicate clearly and professionally with your client. Send written correspondence, such as invoices and reminders, to document your efforts to collect the debt.

Be persistent but not aggressive. Continuously follow up with your client, but avoid being confrontational or threatening.

Consider using a debt collection agency with international experience. They may have more success in collecting the debt and can assist you in navigating the legal system of the country where your client is located.

Take legal action as a last resort. If all other efforts fail, consider taking legal action in the country where your client is located. However, be aware that this can be expensive and time-consuming.

Note that the international collection of debt may require additional compliance with regulations and laws such as the international commercial terms (INCOTERMS) and the international chamber of commerce rules (ICC).

Tips For Collecting Debt Internationally

Know the culture: Knowing the culture of the debtor’s country can help you in understanding their perspective and how they may respond to your debt collection efforts.

Use translation services: If language is a barrier, consider using translation services to ensure clear communication with the debtor.

Be prepared to negotiate: Be prepared to negotiate payment terms with the debtor if necessary.

Keep records: Keep detailed records of all correspondence, payments, and efforts made to collect the debt.

Get international credit reports: Always check the creditworthiness of the debtor by getting an international credit report.


We hope by reading the article you can act progressively to recover your international debts. If you like our work please share to help other entrepreneurs to succeed and grow.

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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.



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