How SEO and PPC Strategies Can Work Together to Drive Business Goals

    You’ve probably heard about search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising in case you’re building an online presence. No doubt that both strategies are valuable. But if you haven’t been using them to their full potential, you may be sacrificing leads, profits, and better search engine results page rankings.

    If you’ve been using the tools separately, it’s time to rethink your organization’s marketing strategies. That’s because using both SEO and PPC can give your website a significant boost.

    Search engine optimization helps to drive high-quality traffic to a website. The traffic is organic and as such, you don’t have to pay for it. If properly utilized, visitors who find your site will be interested in your product.

    Note that working on SEO contributes to a higher position in search results for relevant keywords. This in turn creates a favorable first impression on consumers. Optimizing your website for search engines is about ensuring that it’s understood by search engine crawlers. 

    Gain the attention of your potential customers with Google Ads! Pay-per-click advertising allows you to invest in the promotion of your business by paying whenever someone clicks on your ad. With Google Ads, your ads and promotions will get exposure across Google’s network and at the top of its search engine result pages (SERPs) for maximum visibility. Make sure to capitalize on this opportunity!

    Although PPC costs money, it comes with some advantages, including not getting affected by search engine algorithm changes. You also get decent control over your PPC ads, which enables you to determine who sees your ads. 

    How SEO and PPC Strategies Work Together

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) are two effective digital marketing strategies. When implemented together, they can form a powerful combination that helps you drive toward your business goals. 

    By optimizing your website for organic search, you can increase the visibility of your content to those searching for keywords related to your industry or product. With PPC, you have the ability to target specific audiences, amplify your brand’s message and drive conversions with concise, strategic messaging. 

    By combining these two strategies, you can develop a cohesive marketing plan that reaches your desired audience and encourages them to take action. Additionally, both strategies are trackable and measurable, so you can make better-informed decisions on how to improve results. By using SEO and PPC together, you can ensure you reach a wider audience and maximize ROI.

    Let’s now discuss how SEO and PPC strategies work together to drive business goals. 

    Source: Pexels

    1. Generating Brand Awareness

    Early on before your SEO efforts get a chance to fully kick in, PPC will help you to get your brand name out there. Considering that ads appear at the top of SERPs, searchers tend to see them first.

    With PPC ads, organizations can decide what page the ad sends their visitors to. Thus, you must ensure that you take advantage of this opportunity, by driving traffic to landing pages that you’ve designed to convert.

    Sometimes conversions don’t happen immediately. But if you make a strong impression, visitors will certainly remember your brand at a later time. Retargeting strategies can also help organizations in keeping their businesses at the top of the minds of their clients.

    1. Saving Money

    Paying close attention to your page rankings enables you to tweak your SEO and PPC campaigns. This makes it easy for businesses to cut their advertising budget.

    If you are, for instance, ranking at the number one spot organization, you may be able to reduce PPC spending for that keyword. That’s especially if there’s not a lot of paid competition.

    Meanwhile, for paid searches where you’re ranking lower than you’d like, you can direct SEO efforts toward creating content. This content is what will give you an organic boost without you spending more money to extend your campaign.

    After making some headway with organic traffic, you can think about pausing the related pay-per-click ads. But you may not want to do this unless it’s very necessary.

    A report by Google shows that organic search doesn’t replace all the pay-per-click traffic that’s lost from removing your ads. However, the best move for a business to make will depend on its budget and competition. 

    1. Keyword Symbiosis

    Both SEO and pay-per-click are heavily reliant on keyword optimization to surface for related searches. For businesses to surface in the SERPs for relevant queries, they must target the right keywords.

    It could be that you have been optimizing your site for search for some time. If that’s the case, then you already possess keyword data that can help inform your pay-per-click campaigns in producing better outcomes.

    But if you’re new to SEO, gauging the effectiveness of your efforts can be a challenge. That’s considering that results take time to show.

    But since pay-per-click campaigns generate immediate results, advertisers can harvest keywords that have proven to be profitable. This information can then be passed along to SEO teams to optimize pages for enhanced visibility and traffic. 

    1. Boosting SERP Exposure

    SEO efforts can land an organization’s website in the top few search page results. If that’s the case, you may think that you don’t need to worry about ads for the keywords for which your content is ranking.

    You must, however, note that it’s not only about making it to the top of the results that matter. With the merger of high-ranking search listings and a Google ad, organizations can double their chances of securing a searcher’s click. They can also create a sense of authority for their business.

    This also helps organizations in case they find themselves in a situation where they need to do damage control. With your visibility on the SERP maximized, it becomes easy to steer the search results and ads for a particular keyword. This allows you to manage the narrative around those terms and send visitors to an appropriate landing page.

    Final Take Away

    Search engine optimization and pay-per-click are important components of marketing strategies. Combining and using them may seem like a duplicated effort. But it’s a step that can help you see faster progress toward your business goals

    Using SEO and PPC in tandem is a powerful way to boost your reach and engage with customers on multiple levels. With the right strategies, you can maximize your online presence, create more visibility for your website and products, reach qualified leads, and develop targeted campaigns to move prospects through the buyer’s journey. 

    By combining the power of SEO with the versatility of PPC, you can realize more conversions and build lasting customer relationships.

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    Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.



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