Home Marketing Top 16 Digital Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

Top 16 Digital Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

When you start a business, it can be easy to think you don’t need digital marketing tools. After all, you have your website and social media accounts. That’s enough to get started. But in 2023, there are many more ways for your customers to find you online. And if they don’t find you… well then, they’ll go somewhere else! 

SEO Agencies use different digital marketing tools depending on their specific needs and goals.

If you need any help setting up these tools or have any questions about them, feel accessible to contact our pest control seo agency.

Here are some of the best digital marketing tools available today that will help your business grow online:

Top Digital Marketing Tools


LeadGenius is a lead-generation tool that helps you find suitable leads for your business. It uses artificial intelligence to help you identify the best leads for your business and deliver them straight to your inbox. 

LeadGenius can also help generate leads more likely to convert into customers by using data from past customers and other sources such as social media sites like LinkedIn or Facebook.

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Buffer is a social media scheduling and publishing tool that allows you to schedule posts for multiple social media platforms. With Buffer, you can schedule your content and forget about it until it’s time to post. You can also use the Chrome extension to save web content without opening another tab or browser window.

The best part of this tool is that it’s free!


Moz is a powerful tool for SEO and link building. It can help you create better content, find keywords, and measure success. Moz is beneficial for small businesses because it provides the tools needed to track rankings and analyze the competition to optimize your web presence–all at no cost!

Google Analytics (Free)

Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website’s performance. You can set goals, see the number of visitors you receive, and understand where they come from. This information will help you better understand what content works best for your audience and where they are losing interest in the sales process.

Google Analytics also gives insight into what time of day gets the most traffic on your site so that you can maximize exposure during peak hours when customers are ready to buy (or research).

Search Console by Google

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps you monitor your website’s presence in Google search results. You can use it to:

  • Get more traffic to your website by improving its visibility in Google Search.
  • Find out which keywords/queries bring traffic to your site so that you can optimize content and design for those terms.

HubSpot (Paid)

HubSpot is a marketing automation platform that helps businesses attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. HubSpot is the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform.

HubSpot provides all the tools you need to create content that converts: an email tool for drip campaigns; landing pages for capturing leads; social media management software so you can share your content on Twitter or Facebook with just one click; lead scoring to prioritize prospects by how likely they are to buy from you based on their actions (clicking links in emails etc.).

Hootsuite (Paid)

Hootsuite is your best option if you’re looking for a social media management tool. It allows you to manage multiple accounts from one dashboard, so you don’t have to login into each account separately. You can also schedule posts in advance and track conversations on various platforms.

Hootsuite also includes its analytics tool–it’s less robust than some other standalone analytics services. Still, it gives you a good snapshot of how well your content performs on different networks.

Ahrefs (Paid)

Ahrefs is an SEO tool that allows you to find which websites link to your website, where those links come from, and what anchor text is used.

It also ensures you don’t miss any essential backlinks by monitoring all link sources, including social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It also monitors changes made on your site so that you can track how many people are linking to it.

Upworthy’s Social Media Secrets Tool (Free)

This tool allows you to post on social media, track your posts, and see their performance. You can also use it to schedule posts in advance and create custom audience lists based on specific interests or demographics. Upworthy’s Social Media Secrets Tool also provides analytics on how people respond to your content, which can help with future posting decisions.

MailChimp (Free)

MailChimp is a free email marketing tool that allows you to create, send, and track emails for your business. It’s great for beginners because it’s easy to use and offers many features.

MailChimp has a lot of useful templates that you can customize with ease. 

You can also use their pre-designed templates if you need more time or skills in design editing software like Photoshop or Illustrator (although they do offer those too).

The best thing about MailChimp is its ability to build your email list through opt-in forms at the bottom of every post on your website or blog posts so people who visit can subscribe directly to their email lists! This allows businesses like yours to build relationships with potential customers before even having them sign up for anything.”

Yoast SEO Plugins for WordPress (Free/Paid)

Yoast SEO is a plugin for WordPress that helps you improve your site’s search engine optimization. It offers a free and paid version, which is great for small businesses.

The free version has all the essential features that most small businesses need to optimize their site and drive traffic: it checks grammar, helps choose keywords, and tells you how well those keywords perform on Google (or other search engines). The paid version gives even more control over how content is displayed, including page titles and meta descriptions–which can make a big difference in how well your website appears in search results!


Infusionsoft is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool that can help you manage your email marketing campaigns, create sales funnels, and more. Small and large companies use it to help them grow their businesses.

The platform offers several tools that are useful for digital marketers:

  • Email Marketing: Create automated emails with templates, track opens and clicks, and segment your lists based on behavioral data points like purchase history and lifetime value of customers who’ve engaged with you before through email outreach campaigns–the possibilities are endless! You can also use this feature to send broadcasted messages across multiple channels simultaneously (like Facebook Messenger or Twitter).
  • Social Media Management: Infusionsoft provides social media scheduling capabilities so you don’t have to spend hours each day posting from different platforms manually; instead, schedule posts ahead of time so they go out automatically at optimal times throughout the day/week/month depending on what works best for your audience!
  • Sales Funnels: Create landing pages where visitors come into contact with products or services before moving onto another page where there might be additional information about what makes those offerings so great–such as testimonials from happy customers or special promotions explicitly related to them being able to buy something right now using an incentive such as “Buy One Get One Free.”


Mixpanel is a data analytics and marketing platform that helps businesses understand user behavior. It tracks user events, understands user behavior, and optimizes marketing campaigns.

Companies like Slack, Uber, and Airbnb have used Mixpanel.


Zapier is a tool that allows you to automate your workflows. It’s great for small businesses because it can help you save time and money, allowing you to focus on other aspects of running your business.

Zapier can help you automate marketing efforts, including social media and email marketing.


SumoMe is a suite of tools that help you grow your website traffic, email list, and sales. It’s free to use for up to 100,000 visitors per month.

SumoMe offers:

  • Heatmap (shows what people are clicking on)
  • Scrollbox (adds a box at the bottom of the page)
  • List builder (allows you to build an email list)

Slack Team Communication Tool (Slack)

Slack is a real-time communication tool that allows you to communicate with your team. It’s great for sharing files and communicating with each other, but it also has a lot of integrations with other tools.

Slack is free, so there’s no reason not to try it!


Tools can improve your business, save you time, reach more people, and get more sales.

The tools listed are just a few available for your business. We encourage you to research and find the ones that will help you grow online.

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