5 Top Reasons to Consider St. Lucia Citizenship

Famous for its stunning natural scenery, volcanic mountains, gorgeous beaches, rich history and culture, and unique cuisine, St. Lucia has been a top holiday destination for decades. It is one of the largest countries in the region, with a population of about 180,000. It’s secure and economically stable, with an affordable standard of living.

Beyond being a tourist haven, St. Lucia has some of the best offers for foreigners worldwide. The government launched the Citizenship by Investment St Lucia program in 2016, allowing foreign investors to obtain a second citizenship in exchange for specified investments. Since then, it has become one of the top countries for dual citizenship.

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Copyright: Falco on Pixabay | License: CCO Public Domain

Why St. Lucia Citizenship?

St. Lucia is one of the five Caribbean countries that run a CBI program. The demand for St. Lucian citizenship has increased in recent years because of the associated perks. Here are five top reasons why St. Lucia citizenship is becoming increasingly popular and why you should consider it. 

Fast and Simple Process  

Saint Lucia offers one of the world’s fastest and easiest Citizenship by Investment programs. You can obtain St. Lucian citizenship within three to six months by investing a minimum of $100,000 in the National Economic Fund. Plus, you only have to pay the investment amount when your citizenship application is approved.

The St. Lucia CBI program allows you to include your family on your application. You can include your spouse, children, parents over 55, and siblings under 18 on your application. It is also a lifetime citizenship, so your children can inherit it.

The application process is relatively straightforward. You won’t have to go through any language test or interview or have any education or management qualifications. There’s no residency requirement, so you can apply without visiting the country. You won’t have to renounce your country’s citizenship, as St. Lucia allows dual citizenship. And unless necessary, your home country won’t be informed of your new citizenship.

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Copyright: Falco on Pixabay | License: CCO Public Domain

Quality of Life

St. Lucia boasts an excellent quality of life. The standard of living here is very affordable compared to that of developed nations. You’ll enjoy access to modern infrastructure, standard healthcare, reliable electricity, fast internet, and other modern social amenities without the bustle and noise of large cities. St. Lucia is a UN and CARICOM member and a very safe destination.

The environment is so beautiful and tranquil that living here can feel like a lifetime vacation. You can go from relaxing on its beaches and sipping local St. Lucian rum to hiking on the volcanic mountains, touring its many historical museums, and enjoying its vibrant nightlife. The consumption of processed food is low here. You’ll find affordable fresh fruits, vegetables, and seafood in all its local markets and many delicious Caribbean cuisines. 

Enhanced Global Mobility

A St. Lucian passport increases your global mobility potential, especially if you’re from a developing country. St. Lucia citizenship grants you visa-free entry to 147 countries, including countries in the Schengen zone, the UK, Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore, and Switzerland. Citizens of St. Lucia can visit Schengen countries for 90 days every 180 days and stay in the UK for up to six months without a visa.

A St. Lucian citizenship also allows you to live and work in St. Lucia and other Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states. It is close to the US, about three and a half hours flight from Florida. Both countries have several bilateral agreements, so St. Lucians (who are not US citizens) can easily obtain US visas. 

Image by Nattanan from Pixels

Business Opportunities

When it comes to favorable business environments, few countries match St. Lucia. Its CBI program allows you to diversify your wealth portfolio. There are also many business ventures you can embark on with your second citizenship, from the most popular, tourism, to agriculture, to manufacturing. 

As a citizen, you can expand your overseas business into the Caribbean and enjoy duty-free trading with other CARICOM countries. Companies in St. Lucia also enjoy various incentives, such as import duty exemption, export allowance, and corporate tax incentives.

With a St. Lucian passport, opening accounts in financial institutions across the EU and making foreign transactions is easier. 

Tax Exemptions

St. Lucia is a tax haven and a great choice for protecting wealth. Tax rates are generally relaxed. Personal income taxes range from 10% to 30%, depending on your income size. Residential property taxes are 0.25% of the property value, while commercial properties are taxed at 4% of the market value. There are no taxes on inheritance, income generated outside St. Lucia, capital gains, or worldwide assets. 

Obtaining A St. Lucia Citizenship

The St. Lucia CBI plan provides three investment options for interested foreign investors. They are:

  1. National Economic Fund: This channel requires that you donate a minimum of $100,000 (non-refundable) to St. Lucia’s National Economic Fund. The fund serves as a finance pool for funding government projects. 
  2. Real Estate Investment: Involves making a minimum investment of $200,000 in a government-approved real estate project.
  3. Government Bonds Investment: entails purchasing government bonds worth at least $300,000.

Get your St. Lucia Citizenship Today!

Embrace the golden opportunity to secure your future and live your dreams with St. Lucia citizenship. Experience the breathtaking beauty of this Caribbean paradise while enjoying the numerous benefits that come with a second passport. Don’t miss out on this chance to enhance your life and open doors to a world of possibilities. Get your St. Lucia citizenship today and embark on a remarkable journey toward a brighter future.

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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.


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