behavior change organization

Many organisations are currently focused on behaviour change as they navigate the new hybrid working environment that has emerged from the pandemic. Remote working has increased the need for agility and engagement, which means that the status quo is no longer sufficient. Getting people to let go of their existing operating methods and embrace new ones can be challenging. Still, leaders who understand and consider people’s motivations will be more successful in driving this behaviour change.  

A critical factor in behaviour change is motivation. People need a reason to change their behaviour, which must be compelling enough to overcome the natural resistance to change. One effective way to increase motivation is by aligning the behaviour change with the organisation’s goals and objectives. By linking the behaviour change to the organisation’s vision and mission, employees will be more likely to see the value in the difference and be motivated to take action.  

Self-awareness is another crucial factor in behaviour change. People must understand their behaviour and be willing to take responsibility for it. Self-awareness allows individuals to identify areas of improvement and take action to change their behaviour. HR leaders should provide training and development opportunities that help employees become more self-aware and understand how their behaviour impacts the organisation.  

Effective recruitment and leadership development require a clear understanding of the behaviors required of leaders within the organization. Rather than focusing solely on charismatic leaders, organizations should also identify and promote more humble, yet talented individuals who can drive engagement and productivity among their teams. However, these humble leaders may not be immediately obvious, so it is crucial for HR leaders to use a scientific approach to objectively assess potential leaders’ behaviors. Providing effective feedback is also essential for leadership development.

Providing effective feedback is also critical. Leaders should be aware of their impact on the culture and climate around them and be willing to take action to improve. HR leaders should create a culture where feedback is welcome and valued and provide training and development opportunities that help leaders give and receive feedback effectively.  

While disruptive or self-centered behavior may be easy to identify, “laissez-faire” leaders who avoid performance discussions, provide little feedback, and lack clear direction can be more challenging to spot. Both types of negative leadership have detrimental effects on behavior, organizational culture, and performance. HR leaders should be vigilant about these behaviors and take action to address them. Assessing and measuring motivations and behaviors, providing clear feedback, and offering development opportunities can drive change. Utilizing systems, processes, and tools such as engagement surveys, 360 feedback, reward systems, and Performance management can provide early insights into challenges and allow for early intervention and support to help leaders succeed.

In conclusion, the Corporate Research Forum (CRF) Research Paper: ‘Applying Social Science to Behavioural Change’ highlights the importance of understanding the science behind behaviour change and the role of HR leaders in creating the conditions for change. Change is never easy, but by sharing tools, case studies, and examples, CRF has taken a practical approach to help organisations navigate this process. The two-day immersive workshop hosted by Corporate Research Forum (CRF) explored the science behind behaviour change and uncovered HR’s role in creating the conditions for change. Key considerations included understanding the organisation, clarity about what it wants to achieve, self-awareness, effective feedback, and strategies to support behaviour change. By considering these factors, organisations can accelerate behaviour change and achieve their goals in the new hybrid working environment. It is important to note that behaviour change is a continuous process, and HR leaders must be willing to adapt and change as needed.  

The Hogan Assessments process can help you understand the motivations of your workforce or new recruits through “the inside of personality: motives, values and preferences inventory” (MVPI). The team at AWAIR can give you the tools to employ this method in your organisation.   

Get in touch today to find out more about assessment centres with Awair.

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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.


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