Regression Testing Tools

Manual regression testing is laborious, expensive, and challenging to scale as applications become more complex. To overcome these limitations, automating the regression test suite is highly recommended. By automating tests, teams can save time, reduce costs, and increase scalability by executing tests more quickly and in parallel.

However, the key lies in choosing the right regression testing tool. Several factors need to be considered during the selection process. The tool should offer a comprehensive range of features, be user-friendly, and seamlessly integrate with existing workflows and technologies.

What is Regression testing?

Regression testing is an essential phase in the software development cycle that is conducted after each change to verify that the modifications have not inadvertently caused any disruptions.

The purpose of regression testing is to tackle a common challenge faced by developers, which is the reemergence of previously resolved bugs when new changes are implemented. Without a proper version control system in place, it becomes challenging to identify which specific change introduced a particular bug.

To mitigate this risk and ensure the stability of the project, it is highly recommended to integrate thorough regression testing as a standard practice.

Regression testing tools

  • Selenium
  • Subject7
  • Cerberus Testing
  • Testimony
  • Digivante
  • Testsigma
  • TimeShiftX
  • Appsurify TestBrain
  • Avo Assure
  • testRigor

1.    Selenium

Regression Testing is a critical step in the software development cycle that aims to ensure the stability and reliability of a system or application after implementing changes or updates. It involves retesting previously validated functionalities to verify that they continue to work correctly, even after new modifications have been introduced.

The primary goal of regression testing is to detect any unintended side effects or regressions that may arise due to the recent changes made to the software. It addresses the common challenge faced by developers, where fixing one bug or adding new features can inadvertently introduce defects or retrigger previously resolved issues.

Without a robust version control system or proper regression testing in place, it becomes difficult to identify which specific change caused a particular bug to resurface. This can lead to a prolonged debugging process and potential disruptions in the software’s functionality.

By incorporating thorough regression testing as a standard practice, development teams can proactively identify and address any regressions early on in the development cycle. This helps maintain the overall stability, performance, and usability of the application, ensuring a smooth user experience.

LambdaTest is a cloud-based digital experience testing platform specifically designed for digital experience testing. It offers a wide range of features and capabilities that enable end-to-end Selenium testing. With LambdaTest, users can thoroughly test their applications on a vast selection of over 3000 real devices, operating systems, and browsers.

LambdaTest’s cloud-based nature eliminates the need for users to maintain complex testing infrastructure. This makes it accessible and convenient for teams of all sizes. Whether it’s testing for cross-browser compatibility, responsiveness, or any other aspect of the digital experience, LambdaTest provides a comprehensive solution that empowers users to deliver top-notch applications to their users.

2.    Subject7

Subject7 is a comprehensive test automation solution that operates in the cloud and offers a “true codeless” approach. It brings all testing activities onto a single platform, empowering both technical and non-technical users to become automation experts. Our user-friendly software enables the creation of robust regression test flows without the need for coding, facilitating fast and effortless test authoring.

Key Features:

  • Author and Execute Robust Test Flows: Subject7 allows users of varying technical backgrounds to create and execute reliable test flows with ease. Whether you’re a developer or a non-technical team member, our platform accommodates your testing needs.
  • Seamless Integration: With native plugins, in-app integrations, and open APIs, Subject7 effortlessly integrates with your DevOps and Agile tooling. This ensures smooth collaboration and synchronization within your existing workflow.
  • High-Scale Cross-Browser Parallel Execution: Our solution supports parallel execution of tests across different browsers, providing efficient and comprehensive coverage. Whether you choose our secure public cloud, your private cloud, on-premises infrastructure, or a hybrid setup, you can run thousands of tests concurrently.
  • Flexible Reporting: Subject7 offers flexible reporting capabilities, providing clear insights into test success, failures, and persistent defects. Additionally, our platform captures video results, allowing for in-depth analysis and troubleshooting.

3. Cerberus

Cerberus Testing is a unique test automation platform that stands out for being 100% open-source and low-code. It offers comprehensive support for various types of testing, including Web, Mobile, API (REST, Kafka, etc.), Desktop, and Database. Whether you’re testing in the Cloud or on-premises, Cerberus Testing provides an intuitive web interface that is user-friendly and doesn’t require extensive development skills. This makes automated tests accessible to development, quality, and business teams alike.

Here are some key features of Cerberus Testing:

  • Ease of use web interface: The platform offers a web interface that is easy to navigate and can be used by teams across different departments. This allows for seamless collaboration and involvement of various stakeholders in the testing process.
  • Low-code test library: Cerberus Testing provides a low-code test library that covers a wide range of testing scenarios, including Web, Mobile, API, Desktop, and Database. This empowers users to create automated tests without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
  • Reusability of test modules and components: The platform allows for the creation of reusable test modules, components, and test data. This promotes efficiency and consistency in test creation, enabling faster test development and easier maintenance.
  • Fast iterations: Cerberus Testing enables fast iterations between Test Repository, Execution, and Reporting. This facilitates quick feedback loops, allowing teams to identify issues and make improvements rapidly.

4. TimeShiftX

TimeShiftX is cutting-edge software designed for temporal testing, allowing users to manipulate the date and time of applications and databases.

Key Features:

  • Virtual time manipulation
  • Domain authentication compatibility
  • Versatile testing capabilities
  • Platform and operating system agnostic

5. Appsurify

Appsurify offers an advanced solution for regression testing, empowering QA engineers and developers to enhance testing frequency, identify defects earlier, and accelerate cycle times.

At the core of Appsurify is TestBrain, a machine learning-based testing tool that revolutionizes regression testing. By leveraging AI capabilities, automated regression test completion times are significantly reduced by more than 90%. Moreover, TestBrain provides developers with immediate test results after each commit, enabling swift feedback loops. It effectively isolates unstable or flaky tests, ensuring teams can release faster without compromising quality.

Key Benefits:

  • Significantly reduces regression test completion time by more than 90%.
  • Maximizes test coverage to identify potential issues comprehensively.
  • It prevents flaky tests from negatively impacting the build.
  • Easily integrates with existing test practices, minimizing disruptions to workflows.

6. testRigor

testRigor is ideal for companies aiming to achieve comprehensive automation coverage while overcoming the usual challenges associated with test automation.

With testRigor, manual QA professionals can now effortlessly create complex automated regression tests using plain English statements. This empowers manual QA to take ownership of a portion of the automation process, streamlining collaboration and increasing testing efficiency.

One of testRigor’s standout features is its unparalleled ability to address the test maintenance problem. By utilizing testRigor, users typically spend 99.5% less time on test maintenance compared to other popular tools, freeing up valuable resources for more productive tasks.

Key Highlights of testRigor:

  • Plain English language test case creation: Simplifies test creation by allowing manual QA to write test cases using everyday language.
  • Drastically reduced test maintenance: Users experience an exceptional reduction in test maintenance efforts, saving time and resources.
  • Find and Replace functions: Easily fix any test breakages and minimize downtime with efficient Find and Replace capabilities.

7. Watir

Watir, derived from “Web Application Testing in Ruby,” is a Ruby-based testing framework specifically designed for automating regression testing suites.

Key Highlights of Watir:

  • Lightweight and user-friendly: Watir is known for its simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible to both experienced and novice testers.
  • Advanced browser interaction: The tool provides robust capabilities for interacting with web browsers, enabling comprehensive testing of web applications.
  • Designed for web app testing: Watir is specifically tailored for testing web applications, allowing testers to efficiently create, execute, and maintain automated tests.
  • Readable and maintainable tests: With Watir, you can design tests that are easy to understand, comply with best practices, and are easily maintainable over time.

8. Tstimony

Testimony, developed by Basis Technologies, is an integral component of the exclusive DevOps and test automation platform designed specifically for SAP software. It revolutionizes the process of SAP regression testing by eliminating the need for creating and maintaining test scripts, as well as managing test data.

Once configured to its full potential, Testimony employs its distinctive Robotic Test Automation technology to effortlessly generate an up-to-date regression test library whenever necessary, significantly reducing the time required from weeks or months to mere days.

Moreover, Testimony goes beyond conventional testing methods by not only eradicating the expenses, effort, and complexity associated with them but also by mitigating business risks through comprehensive validation of a broader range of interactions, operations, and transactions that constitute your business processes.

9. Digivante

Digivante sets a new standard for digital quality across online platforms. As a prominent provider of quality assurance services, they offer testing that excels in terms of coverage, speed, and quality. With their extensive expertise in functional and non-functional testing, encompassing a vast array of devices, platforms, and browser combinations, they blend the capabilities of testers and technology to provide a solution that you can rely on for your future success.

When it comes to releasing new functionality and features regularly as well as addressing known issues to retain customer engagement and attract new business, regression testing plays a crucial role. Even minor changes to your website or application can have an impact on existing functionality.

10. Sahi Pro

Sahi Pro is an automation regression testing tool specifically designed for testers. It is widely recognized as one of the top choices for efficiently and effectively testing extensive web applications while minimizing maintenance efforts.

Key Features of the Tool:

  • One of the standout features of Sahi Pro is its intelligent accessor mechanism, which ensures that even minor changes in the user interface do not cause test script failures. Built-in logging and reporting capabilities.
  • Support for distributed and parallel playback, enabling faster testing.
  • Capability to create data-driven test suites.
  • Cross-browser and operating system compatibility.
  • Ability to generate email reports. Inclusion of an integrated Excel framework for seamless test management.


Implementing automation for your regression test suite brings numerous advantages, as it enables you to enhance your testing capabilities without the requirement for additional staff. By automating the process, you can complete tests in a significantly shorter time frame, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently. Moreover, automation enables the simultaneous execution of multiple tests, further optimizing the testing process and improving overall productivity.

Nevertheless, the task of selecting the most suitable regression testing tool can be quite daunting. With a multitude of options available, it becomes crucial to carefully evaluate and choose a tool that aligns perfectly with your specific requirements and objectives. Considering factors such as the tool’s features, compatibility with your software or application, ease of use, reliability, and support is essential in order to make an informed decision.

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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.


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