Android and iOS App Testing

The testing process for real device testing involves verifying the functionality of the application across multiple platforms and operating systems to ensure optimal performance on all devices. It is essential to test the compatibility of the application with different mobile devices, screen sizes, and resolutions. This comprehensive mobile app testing ensures that the application performs seamlessly across a diverse range of devices, delivering a consistent and satisfactory user experience.

Over time, Android has gained widespread popularity compared to iOS, primarily due to its accessibility. In many developing countries, the average annual income is lower than the expenditure. As a result, people in these countries can only afford Android smartphones. Several companies, including Xiaomi, Vivo, OnePlus, and Samsung, offer affordable price ranges and a wide range of devices.

On the other hand, iOS devices are known for their high price range due to their superior software and hardware integration, which ensures exceptional performance. This factor limits their market share as they cater to a more exclusive segment. However, iOS devices are renowned for their high quality and are exclusively manufactured by Apple.

These are the fundamental differences between Android and iPhone, considering their respective ecosystems. Now, let’s delve into the distinguishing factors in more detail.

Basic Difference between Android and iOS Mobile Testing

Software TypeOpen-source, allowing modifications by developersProprietary, limited to Apple
Hardware OptionsCompatible with a wide range of devicesExclusive to Apple hardware
App Store EcosystemApps can be downloaded from Google Play Store and other sourcesSolely downloaded from Apple’s App Store
Testing ChallengesDevice configuration, OS versions, and securityDevice configuration, OS versions, and security
Device ConfigurationWide variety of layouts and sizesLimited device portfolio
ResolutionVaries across different devicesConsistency due to limited device options
Hardware SpecificationsTesting for different processor speeds and memory requirementsConsistency due to limited hardware options
PerformanceBalancing resource utilization across a diverse device rangeConsistency due to limited device options
OS VersionsMultiple versions and fragmentationConsistency due to limited device options
Specific UIVaries based on OEM’s custom UIConsistency due to limited device options
UsabilityMultiple use cases for different devices and OS versionsConsistency due to limited device options
SecurityAddressing security vulnerabilities across diverse devicesConsistency due to limited device options
Publishing GuidelinesApps are not thoroughly checked before availabilityStrict review guidelines ensure adherence to standards

These differences highlight the contrasting characteristics of Android and iOS when it comes to system type, device type, and screen type in mobile testing.

Difference between Android and iOS Application Testing

OS Upgrades and App Functionalities

Testing Android applications can be more time-consuming due to the fragmented nature of the platform. Not all Android devices receive software updates simultaneously, resulting in various device versions in use. Testers need to test APIs with older versions, adding complexity and increasing testing time. Additionally, testing Android app functionalities is challenging due to the wide range of manufacturers and device variations.

In contrast, iOS users receive software updates simultaneously, simplifying version testing for testers. The functionalities of iOS apps are consistent and straightforward, reducing the chances of missing out on app features compared to Android. Consequently, iOS app testing tends to be more hassle-free.

App Security

Android devices are more susceptible to security risks as they allow the use of older software versions. Many Android devices do not receive security updates or built-in protection, increasing the chances of vulnerabilities. Additionally, the authorization given by Google to users to modify the source code for Android APK apps poses potential risks. Testing Android apps becomes essential to protect against malicious attacks.

In comparison, iOS apps benefit from the secure environment provided by Apple. The iOS operating system is known for its stringent security measures, making it challenging for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. Consequently, iOS mobile app testing is relatively easier in terms of addressing security concerns.

App Publishing

Google Play Store has fewer restrictions and guidelines for app publishing compared to Apple’s App Store. Android apps can also be downloaded from external sources, which carries inherent risks. Developers need to ensure that their Android apps are secure and free from potential security issues, but testers are typically less involved in this aspect.

On the other hand, Apple imposes strict rules and rigorous app reviews before allowing apps to be published on the App Store. Testers play a crucial role in ensuring that iOS apps meet Apple’s guidelines and regulations before they can be made available to users. 

Automated Testing for iOS and Android Apps


Appium is a widely used test automation tool that supports testing for both iOS and Android platforms. It follows the WebDriver protocol, which enhances compatibility with various frameworks and tools. With Appium, teams can leverage code reuse across the Android and iOS ecosystems, making it a preferred choice for cross-platform testing.

LambdaTest is a cloud-based platform that provides a wide range of testing solutions for evaluating digital experiences. Notably, LambdaTest offers robust support for automated testing using the Appium framework. A key feature of LambdaTest is its ability to parallelize Appium tests, allowing users to simultaneously run multiple automated tests across different devices and browsers.

With LambdaTest, users can leverage a cloud infrastructure that comprises real devices, enabling efficient and scalable execution of Appium test scripts. This empowers users to conduct comprehensive testing of their mobile applications with ease and effectiveness.


Selendroid is specifically designed for automating tests on Android mobile apps. It functions similarly to Selenium for cross-browser testing, allowing the execution of parallel test cases on multiple devices. With Selendroid, testers can efficiently automate tests across a wide range of Android devices.


XCUITest is recognized as one of the top testing tools for iOS apps. It offers fast test execution and easy test management features. XCUITest specializes in creating automated test scripts for native iOS apps, providing a comprehensive solution for iOS app testing needs.


Calabash is a versatile mobile test automation framework that supports various programming languages, including Ruby, Java, Flex, and .NET. It offers libraries that facilitate programmatic interaction between test scripts and both native and hybrid apps. This flexibility makes Calabash a versatile tool for automating tests on iOS and Android platforms.

Factors Influencing App Testing

  1. System Type: Open vs. Closed The closed-source nature of iOS, developed exclusively by Apple, and the open-source nature of Android, developed by Google, influence the testing process. iOS uses the XNU kernel written in C/C++ and Objective-C, while Android utilizes the Linux OS as the foundation of its kernel, also written in C/C++.
  1. Device Variety: Many vs. One The vast variety of Android devices poses a challenge during app testing, as ensuring compatibility across numerous devices takes considerable time and effort. On the other hand, iOS operates on a limited range of Apple devices, simplifying testing efforts.
  1. Manufacturers of Mobile Devices Manufacturers of Android hardware have the freedom to customize the Android platform, resulting in differences in app design and functionality. Testing on real Android devices becomes crucial to ensure optimal performance. Similarly, testing on real iOS devices is necessary due to Apple’s control over its hardware.
  1. Software Upgrades Android device manufacturers are responsible for OS upgrades, leading to delays in users receiving the latest Android version. The availability of upgrades depends on the manufacturers’ decisions and product line considerations. In contrast, iOS provides a streamlined upgrade process, allowing users to install upgrades across all compatible devices simultaneously.
  1. App Stores Android apps can be downloaded from various sources, including the official Google Play store, other websites, and memory cards. Apple apps, however, can only be downloaded from the Apple App Store or alternative sources. Both Android and iOS apps undergo review processes, but Apple maintains stricter guidelines and scrutiny in its App Store.

It is important to consider these factors while planning and executing app testing strategies for Android and iOS platforms.

Advantages of Mobile Testing on a Real Device Cloud

Testing mobile apps on a real device cloud, such as LambdaTest’s Real Device Cloud, offers several advantages over relying solely on simulators or emulators. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Accurate Performance Testing: Simulators and emulators can provide an approximation of app behavior, but they may not accurately replicate real-world performance. By testing on actual devices, you can evaluate factors such as portable battery life, memory usage, and processor performance in a realistic environment. This ensures that your app performs optimally and delivers a seamless user experience on real devices.
  1. Comprehensive Device Coverage: The real device cloud infrastructure supports a wide range of iOS and Android phones, including both the latest models and legacy devices. This allows you to test your app on devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and viewports. By covering a diverse set of devices, you can ensure that your app functions correctly across various configurations and reaches a broader user base.
  1. Enhanced Testing Efficiency: With access to over 3000 real mobile devices, teams can conduct testing efficiently and effectively. The availability of a vast device inventory reduces waiting times and allows multiple testers to work simultaneously, speeding up the overall testing process. This enables you to achieve faster release cycles and deliver high-quality apps to market promptly.
  1. Real-World User Experience: Testing on real devices enables you to experience your app as users would, ensuring that it performs as intended in different real-world scenarios. You can validate features like touch interactions, gestures, and device-specific functionalities, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices and platforms.
  1. Bug and Compatibility Testing: Testing on real devices helps uncover device-specific bugs and compatibility issues that may go unnoticed in simulators or emulators. By identifying and addressing these issues early in the development cycle, you can enhance app stability and compatibility, resulting in a better user experience.


By leveraging a real device cloud for mobile testing, such as LambdaTest’s Real Device Cloud,  you can conduct accurate performance testing, achieve comprehensive device coverage, improve testing efficiency, validate the real-world user experience, and uncover device-specific bugs and compatibility issues. This ultimately leads to the delivery of high-quality mobile apps that meet user expectations and perform optimally across a wide range of devices.


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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.


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