Buying Mining Equipment

Intro About Mining Business

The Mining industry requires heavy investments and patience to make the business fruitful. It is one of the difficult businesses in the world. It heavily depends on manpower and equipment. The extraction of minerals is a complicated and long term process, but the impact of successful mining for the miner and the macro-level economy of the hosted country is great. Therefore to buy the mining equipment these 9 considerations should be followed. The mining business project has the following stages:

  • Exploration of Ores
  • Sampling confirmation for grades
  • Feasibility for mining
  • Planning for operations
  • Construction of the required infrastructure

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Considerations When Buying Mining Equipment

Purchasing new mining equipment for your operation is a considerable investment. Before taking the plunge, it’s essential to make sure the pieces you buy will meet the needs of your business. Here’s what you should consider before updating your mining equipment.

1. Location, Location, Location

Every company operates from a different location. The size and condition of your facility should be at the forefront when selecting mining equipment. After all, if you buy something that’s too heavy or large for the facility, it will be cumbersome to install and use. Luckily, mining equipment manufacturers sell equipment in all sizes, including space-saving and compact, that will easily fit into any location.

2. Screen Size Matters

Mining equipment screens are not a one-size-fits-all feature. Instead, you need to make sure the screens you select are the correct size to handle the particles you want to mine. Screens are used in conjunction with the feeding and vibration system, and selecting the proper size will help ensure you meet your mining goals.

3. Measure the Angles

It’s rare for any mining operation to run on a completely flat surface. More often than not, materials must pass over a series of inclines or declines. In these situations, conveyor belts and vibratory feeders are a must to help streamline the mining process. Make sure the equipment you purchase is made for your facility’s topography rather than retrofitting it down the road.

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4. Material Feeding and Activation

Material feeding and activation are both primary functions of many mining facilities. In order to ensure proper material flow, you need equipment that can receive the material at an appropriate rate. Durable equipment that doesn’t need much maintenance will also save you from headaches down the road.

5. Weather Resistant

How much water or humidity does your mining facility deal with on a regular basis? Mining minerals, precious metals, and ores from various surfaces may expose your equipment to high levels of moisture. Unfortunately, water can limit your mining equipment’s lifespan if you don’t ensure it’s weather-resistant. The right mining equipment should be appropriately rated to handle different levels of moisture.

6. Type of Mining Materials

What your facility mines is a huge consideration when purchasing equipment. While some operations mine heavy, large pieces, others may mine for smaller, fine-grain materials. Ensure the equipment you buy is built to sift through the extracted materials without losing particles or contaminating the batch.

7. Reliability

The last thing you want is to buy equipment that breaks down constantly. Invest in mining equipment that will last for years without fail. Some mining operations try to cut corners by retrofitting their current equipment. While this may work as a short-term fix, it’s only a matter of time before it will stop working altogether. Instead, it’s best to invest in something designed for your operation with high industry ratings.

8. Extraction Efficiency

The number one reason to upgrade mining equipment is to increase output levels. Look for equipment that can help you produce bigger yields with lower operating costs. Be sure to ask the manufacturer about energy per revolution, impacts per minute, and extraction time. For instance, mining equipment that extracts more materials while using less energy per rotation will save your operation in the long run.

9. Operation Safety

Mining safety has come a long way over the years. However, there is still some danger involved. Choose equipment that has safety features, such as emergency shutoffs or blockage sensors. These features will protect your miners in the event of an unexpected accident.

Select Custom Mining Equipment

Every mining operation has different needs and concerns. While it may seem tempting to settle for something low-cost or second-hand, it’s not usually the best choice. Instead, choose customized equipment that meets the needs of your operation. Not only will the right equipment help increase production, but it will also give you peace of mind.

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