improve employee productivity

Any good company knows that its employees are its greatest assets. Keeping your staff happy and motivated is the key to productivity, which is naturally beneficial for your business – some surveys show that by doubling your ‘engaged’ employees you can boost your profits by nearly 150%. But productive employees also benefit your business in ways beyond the bottom line – when word gets out that your company is a positive and successful place to work, it will generate interest among a wider pool of talent. So, how can you improve employee productivity in the workplace? Here are some ways to start. 

Effective onboarding

Having a signature on a contract does not mean a happy and productive worker will show up on day one. In fact, almost 20% of new hires leave companies in the first three months, largely down to an ineffective onboarding system. Learning the ropes of their day-to-day is one thing, but successful integration into the company requires proactive involvement from the company itself. Complete support, constant feedback, and extensive training (often including cross-training with different departments) are essential, but also a demonstration of the opportunities and potential for growth within the company.

Cut out micromanaging

Micromanagement is one thing that managers without proper training do, often with detrimental results. In order to feel valued and engaged, employees must feel that the business trusts them, their talent, and their experience, to get the job done properly without unnecessary supervision. Empowered employees are far more likely to be productive and motivated, so over-delegation and scrutiny may seem like ways to boost productivity, but the opposite is true. 


The importance of balance between an employee’s work, and the rest of their life, has become a watchword for businesses. Employees should be given as much flexibility as possible in when, where, and how they work, in order to structure their lives and boost their well-being. How productive will an employee be if they feel that their family life is suffering due to their job? Or that they never have time to relax with friends or pursue their passions? Working from home has become much more widespread since the pandemic began, and businesses and their workers are reaping the benefits that come with a more relaxed working regimen.

Office space

It may seem obvious, but for employees to be productive, they require equipment that works and a pleasant, productive environment in which to work. There is nothing more frustrating than being all geared up to go, and then running into technical glitches or oversights. As well as ergonomic desks and chairs, you’ll need to provide adequate computers for the tasks required, reliable high-speed internet, a telephone system, and kitchen facilities. Choosing a printer model for your business will depend on the size of your operation and the amount of usage it is likely to receive. 

More than just a resume

Gone are the days when an employer would look at your credentials and reach for a contract. Most companies are wise to the fact that formal education certificates and a long list of former jobs only tell a part of the story. ‘Culture fit’ is the new term for what employers seek, and that means finding workers whose values, beliefs, and behavior make them a shoo-in for your company. These attributes can only be discovered in a face-to-face meeting or interview, and remember, communication must be a two-way street. Clearly communicate the values and mission of your company. 


Studies have shown that many employees aren’t aware of a company strategy, or even how their department fits into the infrastructure of the business. It’s important that employees feel more than just a cog in a machine, and clear communication is the key to success. Employees who understand the goals and mission of their company, as well as see the result of the work, are more likely to be productive than those who don’t. Profiles and diagrams on your intranet to see who works where (and how everything fits together) should be part of your onboarding program. 

Productive, motivated, and happy employees are the bedrock on which all successful businesses are built. Strengthen the foundations of your company with some of the tips above and you too will reap the benefits of a happy and satisfied employee. Small gift ideas for employees can also be beneficial to your business’s success.

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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.


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