Need help getting a killer Google ads campaign setup

Google Ad Campaigns are a great way for you to put your business right in front of your competitor. Whether you choose a text ad, display ad, or google shopping ad, it is important to have a well-thought-out campaign that puts your business in the right place, at the right time. Amore Digital a PPC agency in Liverpool has put together some top tips on creating Google Ad campaigns and how to do this effectively. Read on below:

1) Set Clear Objectives

When creating a campaign, it is important to choose an objective that is reflective of your business and what you are trying to achieve. There is a range of different objectives available to choose from including sales, leads, website traffic, and brand awareness. It is important to think about what you are trying to achieve long-term also.

2) Select the Correct Ad Type

Before creating your campaign, it is important to consider what type of ad you would like to create. Whether this is a shopping ad, display ad, or text ad, it is important to take all these into consideration as they all provide different outcomes. These are also broad categories that all have ad types within them.

For example, text ads can be narrowed down into text ads, expanded text ads, responsive search ads, and dynamic search ads. As you can see, there is a range of different ads to choose from therefore, it is important to decide on a type of ad that you think will suit your business and reflect on your objective.

3) Use the correct Keyword Match Types

When adding your keywords to google ads, there are three types of keyword match types that you can choose from. Each one will provide Google with a different way to handle your keyword.

The three-match types are as follows:

  • Broad Match – this will provide the widest set of searches available
  • Phrase Match – this will show your ad when the exact phrase specified is shown
  • Exact Match – similar to phrase match, this will only show your ad when the exact keyword is inputted into the search box

It is also important to ensure you test and trial these match types and see what works best for your campaigns and business.

4) Make use of relevant Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are a great way to stand out from your competitor and provide your potential customer with more information about your business. There is a range of different extensions to choose from including sitelink, callout, structured snippet, and call, and message extensions. These all provide extra information for your potential customer and could be the extra push they need to visit your site.

5) Take advantage of Negative Keywords

Google provides the option to input negative keywords which would provide your business with more relevant search terms for your potential audience. When choosing negative keywords, it is important to highlight ones that are not relevant to your business including any competitors or products that you do not offer.

If you are unsure of what could be a negative keyword, look towards your search terms report which will highlight how potential customers find your business by accident. This will highlight any queries that do not resonate with your business which you can then add to your negative keywords list.

6) Relevant, high-quality landing page

Creating the perfect ad for your business with a strong CTA is great but linking this to a landing page that isn’t relevant could be the reason for high bounce rates. Your landing page is the first representation that the potential customer will get of your product or service, you need to ensure this is relevant, interactive, and of high quality.

Something else to consider is the content and copy within the page. It is important to ensure that your keywords are embedded within the page and any irrelevant information is removed from the site. This will allow you to be straight to the point and only provide the information the potential customer needs at that moment in time. A good digital marketing agency will not only ensure your campaigns are set up properly but advise on what elements to include on a high-quality landing page.

7) Regular Testing

As with any campaign or ad, it is important to carry out testing. This includes testing different keywords, ad types, CTAs, landing pages, and anything that you feel could be a potential strength or weakness for your campaign. When carrying out these tests, it is important to make a note of what is working and what isn’t and regularly update these campaigns to reflect this.

Google Ad Campaigns, when done correctly, can place your business directly in front of your target audience and therefore allow you to increase sales and meet your goals by growing your business.

Need help getting a killer Google ads campaign setup? Amore Digital is a digital marketing agency who have multiple case studies across a wide range of clients. If you’d like assistance simply go to the website and book a discovery call today.

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Jeena Alfredo is a passionate digital marketer at The Business Goals. She is working with other companies to help them manage the relationship with The Business Goals for the publications.


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