Ever found your Facebook feed fascinating enough to embed it on your website? But also got haunted by how you can actually do it?. Don’t worry, we got you covered. Read this blog till the end to know everything about embedding Facebook feeds on your website, without you being a techie!

Facebook has been one of the most popular social media platforms for businesses, thanks to its robust algorithm that facilitates marketers to promote their products and services to the platform’s billions of active monthly users.

While on the users’ front, they are able to better connect with the brands, run through the reviews given by the existing users of the brand, and know whether or not the brand fits in their purchase criteria.

Now, it being an influential platform can drastically influence the buying decision of the potential users and improve the selling figures of the brand. So, why not leverage it on your website and gather the trust of the potential audience and improve the social standing of your brand. Read ahead to know its benefits and process.

What AreThe Benefits Of Embedding Facebook Feeds On Website?

  • Builds credibility in the minds of potential customers. The content generated by the users is a transparent source to know everything about the products and functioning of the brands.
  • Improves the dwell time of the website, as the visitors will be tempted to know more about the website.
  • Makes the website come alive, as UGC is vibrant, unique, and ever-fresh.
  • Enhances the lead generation capacity and conversions of the business. This is because the businesses can potentially turn the point of inspiration into sales by showcasing UGC in product page galleries and the home page.

How Can You Embed Facebook Feeds To The Website?

There are two ways in which you can embed a Facebook feed on your website.

1.   Self Embed Method

  • You can get the embed code directly from the post itself, provided the post is public. On the right corner, you will notice an icon, click on it.
  • From the drop-down menu, choose embed post
  • For the picture posts, select the embed post button on the bottom right
  • Next, you will see a dialog box appear having the embed code. Copy and paste this code onto the web pages where you want it to display

That’s pretty much it. But the only disadvantage here is that you need to embed individual posts, which cannot be customized or be updated in real-time.

2.   Social Media Aggregators

Social media aggregation tools can potentially help in aggregating the content generated on social media by the users or the brand. With these tools, brands can collect, moderate and customize the UGC feeds and make them appropriate and appealing for the audiences.

Below Are Some Of The Best Facebook Feeds Aggregators

Taggbox Widget

Taggbox Widget is a self-reliant, promising tool that can effortlessly embed Facebook feeds generated on feeds on your website. Not just Facebook Feeds, this tool in fact fetches content from more than 15 social media platforms.

Further, it provides powerful moderation and customization options. Filter out the content that is not relevant to your brand and customize the look and feel of your Facebook feeds by choosing from amongst the 11 available themes, backgrounds, layouts, and colors.

The best part about Taggbox Widget is the real-time updates and insightful analytics that it provides. Through real-time updates, you do not miss out on any post shared by the users, while using the analytics, understanding the performance and hence making amendments of your widget becomes seemingly possible.

Read This: Embed Twitter Tools


Tagembed is yet another amazing social media aggregator tool to embed the Facebook feeds on your website.

It enables you to collect content from multiple sources-hashtags, mentions, etc., curate and moderate the feed that you want to display. Use the profanity filter to eliminate any unwanted content from the collected content.

Now, customize the aggregated social content in the widget with interactive themes, styling options, etc to boost the appeal of the Facebook feeds.

You need not be a tech geek to embed Facebook feeds on your website, you can do it in simple steps and with absolutely no hassle.

Over To You

By embedding Facebook feeds on your website, you can bridge the gap between the huge audience that the platform has and your business to make way for better lead generation and boosting the conversion rates by adding social proof to your website and gathering more engagement.

Further, a live Facebook feed can be beneficial in announcing upcoming Facebook events, offers, and promotions to better reach out to the masses, increase brand awareness and revenue.

So, now that you know all the amazing benefits of embedding Facebook feeds to your website, it is now time for you to actually do it too.

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